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My name is D'mani DeVoe

 and I'm a 31-year-old mother that resides in Atlanta, Georgia. This is who I am on the surface level, but to truly introduce myself it would take much more than one paragraph. I'm sure I am much like you, someone with a dream that scares them and a vision that sometimes wakes you up at 3:42 AM to see that they come to fruition. Or, maybe you're a black woman whose inner child wishes she saw more positive representation of girls and women who looked like her--through this platform, I aim to do just that.

Whomever you are reading this, I want to make a promise to you that I'll be as transparent as possible on my journey towards becoming the woman I've always envisioned being; a woman much like the women who have raised me, with big personalities, a presence that fills the room and dreams bigger than themselves. Assuming you and I are very similar, I'd like to leave you with this affirmation...

I am no longer shrinking myself to fit into spaces, I am going to create a larger space.



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